ACER E5-471G Core i5 5th Gen with Nvidia Geforce 820M
Diposting pada: 02 November 2020
ACER E5-471G Core i5 5th Gen with Nvidia Geforce 820M
ACER E5-471G Core i5 5th Gen with Nvidia Geforce 820M
ACER E5-471G Core i5 5th Gen with Nvidia Geforce 820M
Harga: RP. 4.800.000,-
Deskripsi Produk

===== Spesifikasi =====

Intel Core i5-5200U

Ram 4 GB

Nvidia Geforce 820MX

SSD 256 GB

Baterai 2 Jam

Normal Semua

Harga 4,8 Jt-an

Garansi 1 BULAN

Kelengkapan Cas, Tas dan Dus

===== Info Lain-Lain =====

Admin : 085851888826

Pemesanan : 082111588881

Aan Bedjo :085736808256 / 085851888826

Kritik Dan Saran : 085736808256

Alamat : Jl.Bendungan Sutami Ruko No:8B Sumber Sari

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